Sri Narayan Academy is a newly established primary school. Its location is in Haripurwa Municipality of Sarlahi District.
The founder Mr Chandra Bhushan Dutta is a retired engineer. After his retirement, with a thought of social service, he started this school in a remote village. There are other schools in this municipality but the teachers are hardly bother for quality education. Most of the guardians are illiterate and can not interact with the schools regarding the educational growth of their children and in such situations, teachers and schools are careless of the children. Seeing this situation Mr Dutta started this school with a vision to produce competent students. We have also given girl children 30% to 100% scholarships for promoting the girl education. In Madhesh, people focus on Boy's education and hardly on girls. And also we are looking forward to making better education available for the marginalized people of Lower castes like Dom, Chamar, Dushadh, Mushahar, etc.
We have dreamt of a good educational system where not only science and English but also Yoga, Meditation, Sanskrit, Music, etc will be taught to children. To meet all these we need funds.
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From Kitchen to Classroom: Nourishing Futures